freedom of speech

the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc.
Also called free speech.
Examples from the web for freedom of speech
  • Finally, you seem to forget the freedom of speech which applies to legal immigrants too.
  • Talk to friends and who ever you want to tell that's freedom of speech.
  • We live in a country where there is freedom of speech, and that includes freedom to lie.
  • freedom of speech has limits, and false advertising is one of them.
  • The right to teach any skill should come under the protection of freedom of speech.
  • Of course freedom of speech is only necessary in order to protect that speech that people might find objectionable.
  • These leaders hoped, too, that freedom of speech would result in people criticizing their opponents.
  • Many in the online world cherish freedom of speech and hesitate to exclude even the malign.
  • But all the regimes restrict the freedom of speech, hound their opponents and fix elections.
  • freedom of speech is key to establishing a true democracy.
freedom of speech in Culture

freedom of speech definition

The right to speak without censorship or restraint by the government. Freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. (See clear and present danger.)